Frequently Asked Questions

I‘ve put together a few of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. Keep in mind I’m always happy to answer questions and discuss your specific situation.

What is Brain Integration Technique?
Brain Integration Technique was developed in 1988 by my teacher, Susan McCrossin, and a team of inventive scientists from around the world. BIT identifies and corrects the areas of the brain that are not working properly by using muscle monitoring, acupressure, left/right brain integration, and emotional memory stress release. It is helpful in understanding how BIT works to know that SPECT (Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography) scans show that people with learning difficulties have decreased energy and blood flow in the areas of their brain responsible for specific tasks that are problematic for them (such as reading or staying organized). On the other hand, people without these difficulties have normal energy and blood flow to those same areas. When we restore proper energy and blood flow to the brain, the learning difficulty is resolved.


Figure 1 registers cortical activity in the brain of an ADD subject who, before treatment, shows no indication of frontal lobe activity (i.e. paying attention and the ability to reason) during decision-making.Figure 2 shows significant frontal lobe activity present in the same subject’s decision-making after receiving Brain Integration Technique)
How does BIT work?

BIT permanently improves the functioning of the brain. It combines kinesiology, applied physiology, and the acupressure meridian system to address symptoms and issues that make learning – and often life itself- very difficult. BIT uses an 80 point protocol addressing 20 different areas of the brain, identifying and relieving stress and dysfunction to improve the way clients think, behave, and feel. For those wanting more detail, we recommend this video, “Charles T. Krebs About His Work”, in our video section.

How long does Brain Integration Technique take?

Brain Integration Technique typically takes about 12 hours over two consecutive days. I have many out-of-town clients (from both Coasts and Canada) who fly in on Sunday and return home on Wednesday.

Do you use needles or electrodes?

No. BIT is completely non-invasive. Most people describe the process as relaxing and engaging.

Can Brain Integration technique do any harm or change my personality?

It is not possible for us to harm anyone or change a personality. BIT restores normal brain function. It can only help.

Is there anything I need to do after Brain Integration Technique?

For most people, this is a one-time intervention and nothing else is needed. Some students who are years behind in math, may need short-term tutoring to catch up.

What if I’m on medication?

I am not a medical doctor and will not make recommendations about medication use. Having said that, many if not most of my clients arrive not having taken ADHD medication that morning or for a day or two before coming, because they want me to see their functioning without medication. And then, for most clients, they do not perceive a need to continue their medication. There is no need, however, for you to stop taking any medication before you come.

Will I see results immediately?

In most cases, the answer is “yes!” People who have had concentration or memory issues, for example, or hair-trigger anger, usually see major changes immediately. And it is also true that more subtle changes will often continue to be noticed for 3-6 months after Brain Integration.

How long do results last?

The changes after Brain Integration are permanent. We recently received a letter and graduation announcement from the mother of the graduate, who said that she and her husband continued to be grateful for the sustained changes they had observed in their son during the three years after Brain Integration, particularly noting how easily he was able to do so many things that had been difficult. There are many other examples in Client Stories.

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Lynn Leu, Ph.D.
Teens & Adults
Office: 928-771-0602
Cell/Text: 928-713-7701
1136 Country Club Drive
Prescott, AZ 86303

Haley Hyatt Hawes, MS
Children, Teens & Adults
Cell/Text: (928) 713-4196
1001 Country Park Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305