Emotional Control, Anger Management

Crossinology’s Brain Integration Technique has helped many clients (both teens and adults) who struggle with emotional control, whether hair trigger anger or dissolving into tears for no apparent reason. Several of these clients have chosen to share their stories because they want others to know that BIT can be life changing for these kinds of issues. Some clients have called us with updates two or three years later that are also included.

Client Stories…


Karon – Adult Emotional Control and PTSD

Karon and her son came from Michigan to address significant PTSD and Emotional Control issues. Her story gives all the relevant background.

My teenage son and I flew from Michigan to Arizona to receive Brain Integration Technique with Lynn Leu at Prescott Brain Integration. My hope was to resolve the way trauma from our past was still affecting our lives. For me, an unstable and unloving childhood followed by the complex-PTSD fallout from an emotionally abusive 22-year marriage had me “stuck” in life, unable to heal, make decisions, or move forward. I am a mother of four, a grandma of five, and I had been a stay-at-home mom homeschooling my children for the 20 years prior to my divorce. I am starting my life over at the age of 53. But despite my bravery and commitment to seeking truth and solid ground to stand on, my life was not blossoming into the life I wanted. I was stuck and could not move forward. Instead, I had constant feelings of being triggered and overwhelmed emotionally, I could not make confident decisions or follow through on decisions I did make, I was unable to trust myself or others, I had a general sense of anxiety and fear, and I had trouble sleeping at night, among other things.

The changes I saw after my treatment with Lynn achieved all I hoped for – and so much more! I still have the memories of the traumas, but they have lost the overwhelming emotions attached to them. I can look at them clearly and objectively, learn my lessons from them, see the lies that my brain has believed because of the abuse, heal and move on. Even in my “trigger” moments, I now have a breath of separation between the trigger and my reaction – just enough time to stop and see things more objectively before my emotions can be hijacked. My story is now just that: the story that shaped me into the person I am today.

The day after my treatment was complete I immediately noticed how quiet my head was and how calm I felt. I actually felt like I was worthy of love and peace and the good things in life. That has become my new normal! I am not in a constant battle to overcome and survive. The circumstances of life, which can still be difficult, do not have control over me. I have the feeling of being on solid ground instead of riding waves. Life just is what it is now. I can calmly wait for it to unfold before I make decisions instead of constantly reacting to what is thrown at me. I still have to do the hard work to heal, to pursue the life I want, but it is possible now. In the few months since my treatment was completed, my life is blossoming in so many ways and I am so grateful!

I am happy to report that my son saw improvements as well. He is a very smart young man with a high reading level who loves to learn. But he could not even perform basic skills: consistently recite or write the alphabet, remember how to spell common words, tell time, remember math facts or months of the year. He battled anxiety and depression and had trouble sleeping at night. After treatment with Lynn his brain seems to be working on all cylinders and we have begun catching up on his school work with ease. His anxiety and depression symptoms have improved as well. He is relating better to other people in his life and he is sleeping better and without nightmares. He has gained confidence and maturity that reveal who he is as a wonderful young man – not just as a victim trying to survive the disappointments of life.

I will be forever grateful to have found Lynn. She is just a beautiful person and a treasure to know. She had a confident, intuitive manner about her treatment and showed such grace and support and was so non-judgmental of our past as she treated us both. In her kindness Lynn did draw out some of the hurtful parts of my story – but it truly amazed me that I could find healing from deep wounds without actually speaking about them during treatment. Unlike in other therapies I had tried in my effort to resolve my painful past, I did not have to relive all the pain or stay in the memory feeling the pain while we worked it out. The healing happened without the horror of reliving the abuse and I am so grateful. I highly recommend Brain Integration Technique. Lynn is an extremely kind, calm, safe, encouraging and effective practitioner and our lives will never be the same.”



Ray – Adult Anger Management

Ray is an accomplished man in his early 50s who came to see Lynn due to emotional and behavioral challenges.

Six weeks after completing brain integration, I observe that I am much more patient and peaceful. I would no longer describe myself as explosive, impulsive or moody. I can take on more things without getting overwhelmed – in fact I haven’t been overwhelmed at all since BIT. My ‘to do’ list which used to be so long is now quite short since I am finding it easy to complete projects. I have struggled with perfectionism much of my life and I notice that this is not an issue for me now. My clarity and creativity have increased. My memory is much better across the board. And my reading comprehension has improved so much that I can now say that I actually like to read. I spend much more of my time in the present, not lost in the past or the future. I’m looking forward to sharing the opportunity of BIT with my daughter.

Here is an update from Ray three years later:

I did the Brain Integration with Lynn a few years ago and I still feel the positive effects. I am still much more patient and peaceful than I used to be. I would no longer describe myself as explosive, impulsive or moody. I can take on more things without getting overwhelmed. I started a business and I can take on many tasks at a time and I complete projects. My increased creativity is very useful as I am able to solve technical issues without frustration. My memory and my reading comprehension are still extremely acute. I am getting ready to test for my black belt in karate and my balance and body awareness is well above that of my classmates and I attribute it directly to the brain integration. It was a wonderful investment in my health, well-being and inner peace.
Thank you Lynn!



Teen Emotional Control

“I have brought two of my children to Laura for brain integration. My oldest son went at 11 having long struggled with ADD and dysgraphia. The term “smart but scattered” applied perfectly to him. We had spent thousands of dollars on tutoring and other therapies aimed at improving right/left hemisphere communication before I learned about brain integration. I wish we had started with Laura and saved our son the years of frustration and self-doubt, and ourselves the cash! He is now perfectly independent in middle school and consistently on the honor roll.


I brought our middle son to address anxiety and stress that was hampering his academic performance and causing undue pressure on him and our entire family. Prior to brain integration, he was prone to melting down multiple times a day. The last time I saw him lose it without legitimate provocation was the night before brain integration began. He will gladly tell anyone who asks that he feels much more even-keeled after getting his brain integrated! He has made dramatic improvement in the academic skills that he was previously avoiding altogether and is also on the honor roll.
To say the results have been life-changing for our family is not an exaggeration. I have recommended brain integration to many friends experiencing a variety of issues and all of them have found dramatic changes for problems that previously seemed impossible to resolve. I am so grateful to Laura for all she’s done for our family.”

~ Elizabeth Spilotro


Teen Emotional Control

I have my daughter back and I have Laura Fields to thank for it. For years, my daughter was suffering. She had anxiety, trouble concentrating, she had a quick temper and at times couldn’t be reasoned with. The final straw was when we were in the thick of one of our “fights” and she sobbed, “why aren’t you helping me?” I had friends who had used Brain Integration Technique and they swore by it. So, at the end of my rope, I called Laura. The results are amazing. My daughter is content, there is a weight lifted from her and our relationship is better than ever. She is still 15, but she doesn’t have the additional internal struggles and she is able to approach the world in a more optimistic, productive way. Thank you Laura, I finally feel like I can relate to my child in a postive way and I can actually say she is happy.
Kristin Highton


Deanne Clark – Adult Anger Management & PTSD

Deanne came for Brain Integration at the recommendation of her therapist. She is a disabled vet (US Navy) who has great determination to be able to live independently and to go back to work. She described herself as having been “living in a cloud”, often confused, not able to focus, or multitask, or find the right words, or remember things from moment to moment, let alone over time. She also had significant problems with anger management, and with PTSD issues from her childhood and from combat. She was taking 14 different medications under the supervision of her VA doctors – some for depression, some for pain, some for focus issues, others for other health issues.

Two Weeks After BIT
Here is a video Deanne made two weeks after her experience with Brain Integration Technique. What Deanne doesn’t mention in the video is that at the end of her two days of BIT, her ability to remember numbers went from 4 forward and 3 backward, which is early elementary school level, to 7 forward and 7 backward, which is beyond the target for adults. This was a joyful moment for her. She also was amazed to see her reading go from choppy and hesitant to smooth and fluent and her ability to remember what she read jump from 20% to 90%. On the coding exercise Deanne was able to remember all 9 symbols on her first try, a result she met with disbelief. Her most moving moment, as she expressed in the video, was when she realized she was no longer “in the cloud” – that she felt part of the world around her again.

As she mentions in the video, Deanne met with her VA psychiatrist who immediately noticed the changes in her. Deanne was taken off her medications for concentration and focus, as well as sleep, since she no longer needed them. At this point she was going to the gym every day, and her anger issues had disappeared. Her psychiatrist asked her to volunteer in the pain clinic at the VA as an inspiration to others vets.

Eight Months Later
Deanne called to say that she is off all three of her medications for anxiety and depression, and that she would describe herself as “exuberant” – she loves her life and has found her purpose. The only two drugs she is now taking are for pain. She was asked to give a presentation to the senior management and doctors at the VA center about her transformational experience, and it was met with applause and followed by many personal congratulations. She gives much of the credit to BIT, and so does her psychiatrist.

We are hoping that the VA will fund a study and move ahead on how BIT can help other vets with similar challenges.


Sinking College-Aged Boys

The following client story could have been written by the parents of many college age clients – especially young men – who found high school increasingly too difficult and who dropped out of college because it was more than they could manage. They then tried and failed in the job market, even at minimum wage jobs. They became discouraged, if not depressed, and saw little hope for the future. Their parents tried many approaches that didn’t help, and were feeling out of options. Then they came for Brain Integration, and saw dramatic change. Here is a typical example. These parents prefer to be anonymous, but they speak for many others.

As parents in the medical fields we were concerned that medications may have been our only hope for our son suffering from depression. After high school he struggled and withdrew from NAU his freshman year. Then he withdrew from Yavapai College. After some low level jobs he eventually sunk into a withdrawn depressive state.

Luckily we found Prescott Brain Integration. We now realize that his issues were largely due to undiagnosed learning difficulties that were making school and life very difficult. He was treated by Lynn Leu in December 2015 and has returned to himself. He now is working in a job with potential and attending Yavapai College. His thought process is greatly improved and his attitude is fantastic. He says “I’m back!”

Thank you Lynn.



Julie – Adult Anger Management

Julie easily lost her her temper. It was difficult for her to maintain her emotional balance. Even when she recognized that she was off balance, she could not easily bring herself to a stable place. As a single mom, it was difficult for her to cope with the hectic demands of many schedules.

Julie did not realize how hard she had worked in school until after her Brain Integration, when she returned to school. She was surprised and delighted that her comprehension was greatly improved, and her brain felt “super-charged.”

These are her comments:

First off, I have been much more even-keeled emotionally. When I do lose my balance (or my temper) I have an easier time calming down and coming back to a cheerful place. It’s as if my brain is super-charged. Before, I could recognize where I wanted to be emotionally, but couldn’t quite get there. Now, almost as if just by thinking it, I can bring myself back to a me I want to be. I have more perspective, if that makes sense.

When recently attending a two week long class, I was so pleased how much easier it was to take in the complicated concepts and formulae. I didn’t realize how very hard I had been working at school to get the good grades that I got. My comprehension was quickened, even though I have a much older brain than when in college!

My children are also benefiting from having a mom who is much more together than before. We all have busy schedules and I find that being a single-mom is much less daunting than in the past because I seem to be lots more organized even with minimal effort. Like Ben, however, I am not perfect, nor has my personality changed. I humbly submit that I have lots to work on, but now I am happy doing it, whatever it happens to be.

Keep up the fantastic work, Laura. You are a blessing to us.

As she mentions in the video, Deanne met with her VA psychiatrist who immediately noticed the changes in her. Deanne was taken off her medications for concentration and focus, as well as sleep, since she no longer needed them. At this point she was going to the gym every day, and her anger issues had disappeared. Her psychiatrist asked her to volunteer in the pain clinic at the VA as an inspiration to others vets.

Eight Months Later
Deanne called to say that she is off all three of her medications for anxiety and depression, and that she would describe herself as “exuberant” – she loves her life and has found her purpose. The only two drugs she is now taking are for pain. She was asked to give a presentation to the senior management and doctors at the VA center about her transformational experience, and it was met with applause and followed by many personal congratulations. She gives much of the credit to BIT, and so does her psychiatrist.

We are hoping that the VA will fund a study and move ahead on how BIT can help other vets with similar challenges.


Sinking College-Aged Boys

The following client story could have been written by the parents of many college age clients – especially young men – who found high school increasingly too difficult and who dropped out of college because it was more than they could manage. They then tried and failed in the job market, even at minimum wage jobs. They became discouraged, if not depressed, and saw little hope for the future. Their parents tried many approaches that didn’t help, and were feeling out of options. Then they came for Brain Integration, and saw dramatic change. Here is a typical example. These parents prefer to be anonymous, but they speak for many others.

As parents in the medical fields we were concerned that medications may have been our only hope for our son suffering from depression. After high school he struggled and withdrew from NAU his freshman year. Then he withdrew from Yavapai College. After some low level jobs he eventually sunk into a withdrawn depressive state.

Luckily we found Prescott Brain Integration. We now realize that his issues were largely due to undiagnosed learning difficulties that were making school and life very difficult. He was treated by Lynn Leu in December 2015 and has returned to himself. He now is working in a job with potential and attending Yavapai College. His thought process is greatly improved and his attitude is fantastic. He says “I’m back!”

Thank you Lynn.



Julie – Adult Anger Management

Julie easily lost her her temper. It was difficult for her to maintain her emotional balance. Even when she recognized that she was off balance, she could not easily bring herself to a stable place. As a single mom, it was difficult for her to cope with the hectic demands of many schedules.

Julie did not realize how hard she had worked in school until after her Brain Integration, when she returned to school. She was surprised and delighted that her comprehension was greatly improved, and her brain felt “super-charged.”

These are her comments:

First off, I have been much more even-keeled emotionally. When I do lose my balance (or my temper) I have an easier time calming down and coming back to a cheerful place. It’s as if my brain is super-charged. Before, I could recognize where I wanted to be emotionally, but couldn’t quite get there. Now, almost as if just by thinking it, I can bring myself back to a me I want to be. I have more perspective, if that makes sense.

When recently attending a two week long class, I was so pleased how much easier it was to take in the complicated concepts and formulae. I didn’t realize how very hard I had been working at school to get the good grades that I got. My comprehension was quickened, even though I have a much older brain than when in college!

My children are also benefiting from having a mom who is much more together than before. We all have busy schedules and I find that being a single-mom is much less daunting than in the past because I seem to be lots more organized even with minimal effort. Like Ben, however, I am not perfect, nor has my personality changed. I humbly submit that I have lots to work on, but now I am happy doing it, whatever it happens to be.

Keep up the fantastic work, Laura. You are a blessing to us.

Google Reviews

Lynn Leu, Ph.D.
Teens & Adults
Office: 928-771-0602
Cell/Text: 928-713-7701
1136 Country Club Drive
Prescott, AZ 86303

Haley Hyatt Hawes, MS
Children, Teens & Adults
Cell/Text: (928) 713-4196
1001 Country Park Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305